Bossing it in your Feminine

Why with all of your experience, expertise and skillset, do you still feel like an imposter and a fraud.

If you’ve done the work, you’ve done the studying and you are showing up but still need external validation – you’ve not activated your feminine power.

When you know who you are, and you move from your God-centered energy within, you have nothing to prove.

You don’t need to pretend to be something or someone you’re not to show your team you are good enough, or that you are a good leader, or that you deserve your role.

You don’t need to do any of that to justify you deserve your position; because you are and you do.

Instead of trying to ‘act’ like a boss, strict, impersonal, cold, you now rest in the knowledge of your power and are mindful and grounded in your body.

The energetic shift in focusing on yourself makes you everything that a leader is.

Without doing or saying anything those around you will feel a shift.

Instead of trying desperately to find the right thing to say in meetings and presentations, prep, you become present in the moment. Trusting your mind to already know what to do.

This creates space for you to welcome in your feminine intuition, soul, body and warmth to the mix, and make magic.

You’ve done the work. You’ve got the skill.

You already are a boss. Now be the boss. Not act like one.

Authentically align to your identity of a woman worthy and deserving of her position. A woman with unique skills and attributes to bring to the table.

Walk in your truth today and be the boss ladies, because you are.

If you are ready to fully embody that feminine leader and soul-assignment creator you know you can be, join waitlist for the next round of Dare To Be SHE.  

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